Hi everyone,
Long time no talk. I never intended to be away from this space for just over a year, but life was happening in the best of ways. I was an artist-in-residence in Cape Town, ZA at the top of 2024. I got into and started graduate school in 2024. I taught two summer sessions in 2024. I was an artist-in-residence and in a group show in Richmond, VA in 2024. Basically, I stepped into the life I always dreamed of for myself in ways that allow me to live in the world of my creative practice. I’m grateful. Of course much is still changing, shifting, and growing, but I now have the capacity to engage here again.
I’m looking forward to bringing WORKING PROCESS into your inbox and ears this year. The current plan is one episode a month as I am still in a PhD program after all!
Episodes will drop the last Thursday of the month, except for in April and October because those are my personal sabbatical months where I give myself a little bit more room.
Our first few episodes back are all ready and queued up to go. I can’t wait for you to hear them! Thanks for your patience and thanks for listening. This space grew in subscribers while I was away and I really appreciate the support.